

読書ログ:B. ダナーマーク他著『社会を説明する』(4章)

Danermark, B. et al. 2002. Explaining Society: An Introduction to Critical Realism in the Social Sciences. Routledge.

Explaining Society: Critical Realism in the Social Sciences (Critical Realism: Interventions)




Chapter 4. Generalization, scientific inference and models for an explanatory social science

社会科学における説明(科学的説明)を適切に理解するためには、(科学者コミュニティ内でも日常会話でもしばしばゆるく使われている)概念である、(a) 一般化、(b) 推論、(c) 説明モデルの3つの概念を適切に分節化しなければならない。a-c を各節で議論する。

Generalisation --- two different meanings

要約者注:一般性 (generality) / 一般化 (generalization) という二つの用語が使われているがあまり区別はしていないようだ。以下、基本的に「一般化」を使う。

一般化の2つの定義 - 経験主義的 - 実在論

経験主義的一般化: 限られたケースに関する知識からより大きな集団への知識に拡大する。外挿法 (extrapolation)。「小→大」という推論のどちらの極でも、経験的ドメイン(観察可能なドメイン)に限定されていて、実在の深層構造は除外。

実在論的一般化: 超事実的な (transfactual ) 条件に関する推論。対象を対象ならしめる普遍的前提条件に関する推論。

The empirical extrapolation is confined to what was described in Chapter 2 as the empirical domain, and excludes the domain of the deep structures of reality (what we have also referred to as the transfactual conditions of the objects). According to the realist concept of generality, scientific generalizations largely refer to transfactual conditions, to the more or less universal preconditions for an object to be what it is. (p.77)


  • 経験的カテゴリ:形式的な性質。例、「女性」「高齢者」
  • 抽象的カテゴリ:ある現象の 本質的な構成要素 であるからこそ普遍性を有するもの。メカニズム。例、疎外、支配、社会統合、イデオロギー再帰アイデンティティ


Scientific inference and thought operations

推論の異なる4つの様式:deduction, induction, abduction and retroduction.

See Table 1.






概念的系譜:Charles S. Peirce

(パースのオリジナルの定義はともかくとして)アブダクションは、再記述化 (redescription) あるいは 最文脈化 (recontexualization)の側面を強調した推論だと理解するのがよい。


in social science research the rule is most often a frame of interpretation or a theory, and the conclusion (the case) is a new interpretation of a concrete phenomenon --- an interpretation that is plausible, given that we presuppose that the frame of interpretation is plausible. ... When we apply abductive inference in social science and interpret a phenomenon in the light of a frame of interpretation (rule), the frame of interpretation constitutes one of several possible frames and the interpretation of the phenomenon one of several possible interpretations. (p.90)



We shall now focus on retroduction, which in this context can be described as a mode of inference, by which we try to arrive at what is basically characteristic and constitutive of these structures. That is to say, what are the basic characteristics of the general structures from which we start, in abduction, when we interpret and recontextualize particular actions and events? (p.96)

リトロダクションのコアは、超越論的論証 "transcendental argumentation" である――現象の背後にある必然的条件・構造を見出す以上、経験的なものを「超越」した論証を必要とする。

ただし、超越論といっても、批判的実在論は、カントを代表とする超越論的観念論 (transcendental idealism) とは次のような点で異なる。(p.97)

  1. Bhaskar discards idealism and argues that our knowledge of reality is possible just because reality is constructed in a certain way. He means that we ought to look for the transcendental conditions, not in our minds (as idealism does) but in reality, as it exists independently of our search for knowledge.
  2. Unlike Kant, Bhaskar does not claim to describe universal and unchangeable conditions for our knowledge of reality. Transcendental knowledge, like all knowledge, is fallible. In addition, the foundational structures we are trying to comprehend by means of transcendental arguments are changeable in themselves.


  1. ユルゲン・ハーバーマス:普遍的語用論
  2. ジグムント・バウマンホロコーストを可能にした社会構造(バウマン自身はポストモダン的立場を採用しているが、目的は実在論者と共有している)
  3. ランドル・コリンズ:儀式を儀式たらしめる構造・メカニズム


  1. . counterfactual thinking 反事実的思考
  2. . social experiments 社会実験
  3. . studies of pathological cases 病理的な事例の研究―寺沢注:「メカニズムに "危機" をもたらす例外的事例」という意味)
  4. . studies of extreme cases 極端な事例の研究
  5. . comparative case studies 比較事例研究


Two models for an explanatory social science

ポパー=ヘンペル的説明モデル (the Popper-Hemple explanatory model) vs. 批判的実在論的説明モデル(i.e. バスカー的説明モデル)。



  1. That this model is limited since it takes its starting point in an empiricist ontology, which reduces reality to the domains of events and empirical observations; causality is understood as regular connections between observable events.
  2. What is said to be an explanation does not actually explain anything; it just describes a law-like/statistical relation and the explanations do not identify any causal mechanisms. (p.108)


  • Stage 1: description
  • Stage 2: analytical resolution
  • Stage 3: abduction/theoretical redescription
  • Stage 4: retroduction
  • Stage 5: comparison between different theories and abstractions
  • Stage 6: concretization and contextualization
