

Prasad (2017) 読書会、8章・9章(史的唯物論・批判理論)ハンドアウト

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Prasad (2017) 読書会 2022-03-05


  • III | The Critical Traditions
  • 8 | Historical Materialism: Class, Conflict, and Domination
  • 9 | Critical Theory: Hegemony, Knowledge Production, and Communicative Action

Part III | 批判的な伝統

  • 源流としてのカール・マルクス(Part IIIだけでなくIVも)
  • 「批判的」 'critical' の意味:闘争的社会観のことであり、クリシンや単なる「非難」ではない

8 史的唯物論唯物史観

  • 要するにマルクス主義/ネオマルクス主義。北米的事情?

    historical materialism is the preferred term to Marxism because Marxism has too many unfortunate connotations with a dogmatic orthodoxy and with the more dysfunctional aspects of Soviet-style communism. (p.129).

  • メソッドを制約しない、抽象度の高い文字通りの「理論」

    In general, historical materialism is also less averse to using quantitative techniques and collecting statistical data, provided (p.129).

1. The Philosophy of Karl Marx

2. Central Concepts in Historical Materialism

  • 余剰価値と搾取:資本主義(的雇用関係)は必然的に搾取を伴う
  • 階級と階級闘争:革命や労働争議だけでなく、多様な物質的・象徴的資源をめぐる日々の「闘争」
  • 疎外 alienation:「人は自分の労働や能力を賃金市場で売買される商品として経験するのである」、物神崇拝 Fetishism of commodities.

  • 矛盾 contradiction:

    • 'dissonances, inconsistencies, and disjunctures within a system that are eventually capable of undermining it.' (p.137).
    • 'an opposition or disjunction of structural properties of social systems, where those whose principles operate in terms of each other but at the same time contravene one another' (cited from Giddens, 1979)
  • イデオロギー
    • 現実の社会関係から生み出される認識。社会の矛盾を覆い隠し欺くもの。
    • イデオロギーヘゲモニー(アントニオ・グラムシ):被支配者は支配をなぜ受け入れてしまうのか。受け入れることに議論の余地がないと思われるほど正統性を帯びてしまうのか。

3. Working in the Historical Materialist Tradition

  • 仕事の社会学、労働過程論:Harry Braverman. → the emergence of exploitation at the point of production.
  • 葛藤理論:Ralf Dahrendorf, Alvin Gouldner, Max Weber. → analyzing the structures of capitalism and its accompanying conflicts.


  • 労働者の主観性やアイデンティティ
  • 手仕事の理想化(初期の労働過程論)
  • 唯物論エスノグラフィー:文化的実践や主観的経験を、階級、イデオロギー、資本家による統制という広いコンテクストで捉える
  • 資本主義の制度的・構造的関係の歴史をめぐる客観的分析

葛藤/闘争/紛争 The conflict tradition

  • マクロ歴史社会学

    looks at key actors, elite control strategies, societal coalitions, and institutional processes from a materialist standpoint of conflict, interests, and domination. Also referred to as macro-historical sociology

  • 質的メソッドとの(非)接続

    This particular subtradition of historical materialism differs quite sharply from the ethnographic research styles that are typically associated with qualitative work. The scope of the research is much more ambitious, and the approach longitudinal and rigorously empirical in its search for recorded “facts” and documentary evidence. In sum, such work is predominantly influenced by the historical method. (p. 149)

4. Critiques and Debates in the Historical Materialist Tradition

  • ソトからの批判(史的唯物論者がディフェンスを強いられる点)

  • 内側からの批判

    • 過度な唯物論・経済決定主義(←文化・アイデンティティを考慮している研究もあるので、ケースバイケースで応答するしかない)
    • その他の差異(ジェンダー、人種等)への視座の欠如
    • アクターの意識の過度の重視: 'tendency to privilege the consciousness of actors, especially manifest in its assumption that all actions that are not the product of rational calculation must be the result of ideological manipulation' (p.151). 非意図的・非合理的・非イデオロギー的ではない力が検討できない。

9 批判理論



  • 狭義の批判理論
  • 過度の経済還元主義へのアンチテーゼ
  • 文化的疎外感、物質的繁栄・近代合理性に対する批判的意識
  • 前期マルクスが強調した consciousnessに関わるテーマ(イデオロギー服従)により大きな関心
  • 強制的・搾取的な側面ではなく、イデオロギーヘゲモニー(そして文化的プロセス)に力点。
  • 精神分析。フロム、マルクーゼ。
  • 教育:Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux

1. 批判理論の哲学

What the Frankfurt School really did was to privilege the more subjective elements of Marx’s writings at the expense (some might argue) of his more materialist concerns. (p.157).

多様性の中の共通項:イデオロギー批判 ideology-critique

Within the critical theory tradition, ideology refers to all systematically distorted accounts of reality (Habermas, 1972) that both conceal and legitimate social asymmetries and injustices. Critical theory aims at piercing these ideological veils in all walks of life—in government, public policy, law, science, education, managerial practices, media, entertainment, and even the family itself. Its ultimate goal is an enhanced public awareness of the sources of domination and a subversion of ideological forces that will jointly initiate fundamental changes in consciousness and power (Held, 1980). (pp.157-158).


  • 芸術の商品化。文化産業・商業目的の芸術は当初の文脈から引き剥がされる。

Value-Laden Science and Knowledge Production

  • 知識の非中立性。知識は、個人的・社会的利害関心と切り離せない。
  • 当事者に理解不可能な高度な技術的・科学的知識の押し付けは、distorted communication


  • 権威への隷従の心理

2. 批判理論の中心概念

道具的理性 instrumental reason

  • 'Enlightenment’s tendency to objectify and instrumentalize all natural phenomena as part of the much-vaunted “scientific” attitude' (p.161)
  • 人間関係・社会関係が「道具」扱いされることへの批判

Instrumental reason has much in common with the Marxian concept of commodity fetishism but identifies the sources of this condition in the philosophy of the Enlightenment rather than in capitalist modes of production. (p.162)

One-Dimensional Culture

  • 客観性の支配への危惧

What was formerly a two-dimensional world of subject and object is increasingly being turned into a one-dimensional one where only the object prevails. (p.163).

  • マルクーゼのセクシュアリティ論。現代の「自由な性文化」は、性の解放ではなく、大衆消費主義にもとづく性の商品化。

Communicative Action

  • 真の合意 genuine consensus. agreement, understanding, and consensus.
  • under conditions of rationality and equality
  • ideal speech community

Systematically Distorted Communication

  • conditions of undistorted communication.
  • 「システマティックな(歪み)」が重要
  • 言論閉鎖 discursive closure (Deetz, 1992):特定のディスコースを祭り上げ、別のものを締め出す
  • 'Deetz (1992) expands on some of the more common strategies of discursive closure.' (p.166). --> cf. Norman Fairclough

3. Working in the Critical Theory Tradition

  • 理論全体の質的研究との相性は???

When researchers do engage in fieldwork, they tend to be influenced mostly by the latter-day critical theory of Habermas (i.e., the theory of communicative action) and are less interested in the social psychology of domination proposed by the early Frankfurt School. (p.167).

  • 2つのアプローチ:批判的解釈学、そして、批判的エスノグラフィー(例、生活世界の植民地化の現実をあぶりだす)

    Research in the critical theory tradition tends to follow one of two paths—engaging with texts and archival material, or studying ongoing situations and events. Critical researchers following the first path are usually inspired by Habermas and Ricoeur and are most closely aligned with the tradition of critical hermeneutics. Those electing to observe ongoing events are best described as critical ethnographers. These individuals broadly follow the contours of classical ethnography but bring a distinctly critical edge in their conceptualizations of the research problem and in their formulation of research questions. (p.168).

  • リッツァ:マクドナルド化

4. Debates and New Directions in Critical Theory