

5章. 日本の大学語学教育は、なぜヨーロッパ共通言語参照枠(CEFR)を受け入れたのか


Imoto, Y. & Horiguchi, S. 2015. Bringing a European Language Policy into a Japanese Educational Institution. In: Horiguchi et al. (Eds.) Foreign Language Education in Japan, 65--83. Sense Publishers.
Bringing a European Language Policy into a Japanese Educational Institution | SpringerLink

5.1. Introduction

メインテーマ:CEFRがなぜ日本のある大学(Aoba --- 仮名)において魅力的な改革パッケージとなったのか、その背景要因の分析。

5.2. Methodology

5.3. The CEFR

とくにplurilingualism はUS的な多言語主義とは一線を画すとうたわれている

5.4. How the CEFR came to Japan

・小池科研 (Koike project)

5.4.1. Pressures in Japanese Higher education
・provide a raison-d’être for non-English European languages in higher education

・CEFR導入の背景要因 (p. 70)
1) foreign attraction
2) Legitimization for attracting research funds
3) economic interests of text book and testing

5.5. How the CEFR came to Aoba

5.5.1. The institutional context: Aoba and incentives within Aoba for borrowing the CEFR

5.6. The foreign language research center


5.6.1. The decision to import the CEFR and the birth of the AFG Project
・作業の結果、fiver-year MEXT funded project となった。

5.7. The AFG Plan

・3つのUnit からなる

  • Unit 1: The Language Education Policy Proposal Unit
  • Unit 2: The Action-oriented Plurilingual Competence Development Unit
  • Unit 3. The Autonomous Learning Environment Improvement Unit

5.8. The multiple interpretations of the CEFR and its concepts


5.8.1. Plurilingualism
・ヨーロッパかぶれ(pretentious Europeanism)
・minimal commitment from professors specializing in English-language education (英語教員の多くは無関心か、あるいは、「仕事を増やしかねない脅威」と理解)
・the plurilingual lounge in practice had become "an English-speaking lounge."
・英語以外の言語教員でも、"They may be concerned about the survival of their own language in the foreign-language curriculum, but not necessarily advocate its coexistence with other languages"

5.8.2. Autonomy = Use of ICT?

5.8.3. Autonomy = Self-Assessment?

5.8.4. Communicative Language
・「ヨーロッパ市民としての複言語主義」 vs. 「日本社会は外国語(英語・独語・仏語・・・)のコミュニケーション環境にない」

5.9. Organizational structures of power and structured identities


5.9.1. The peripheral status of the Center and tensions among its actors
・"the marginal status of the Research Center for Foreign Language Education and its members in the overall Aoba institution"
・任期付き教員 vs. テニュア教員(任期付き教員は本プロジェクトに参加したという機会を最大限に活かしたい vs. テニュア教員にはそういうインセンティブがない)

5.10. Conclusion

・ideology and practice: "One of the tasks of anthropologists in policy research is to critically examine the extent to which the reform has actually brought about changes at the ground level, and the process of changes and resistance."
・個人個人が権力構造 (power structure) のどこにいるかによって、改革はkぉとなるかたちで語られ・経験される。