Chapter 7. Social science and practice
解放:"we would like to argue that the social sciences are of great relevance to social life, and that the knowledge they provide can be emancipatory." (p.177; emphasis added)
A precondition: the distinction of agency and structure
→構造は目的設定・実現へ向けた行動をしない。エージェントのみが動因 (cause) として機能する。
This is obviously the most important difference between social structures and agents: social structures cannot set up goals and they cannot act; only humans can ? agents are the only effective causes of society. (p.179)
- だめな例1 social fact paradigm(構造が主): 個人の自律した作用を扱えない
- だめな例2 agency paradigm(エージェンシーが主):構造の自律した作用を扱えない
While social structures cannot be reduced to individuals, the former are a prerequisite for any human action ? social structures enable actions but they also set limits to what actions are possible. (p.179)
創発性 (emergence) の重要性:構造もエージェンシーも、異なる powers and properties を持つ
the social structures are always the context in which action and social interaction take place, at the same time as social interaction constitutes the environment in which the structures are reproduced or transformed. Structure and agency are separate strata, that is, they possess completely different properties and powers, but the one is essential for how the other will be moulded. (p.181)
時間軸で構造とエージェンシーを見るための分析的二元論 (analytical dualism). 構造・エージェンシーの二元論は通常知覚されるものではなく、社会科学の分析枠組みで初めてわかるというもの。
‘Dualism’ refers to the fact that social structures and human agency are different strata, ‘analytical’ to the fact that these strata and the interaction between them cannot be detected in the flow of social action and human experiences, but only by means of social scientific analysis. (p.181)
分析的二元論と時間:構造が行為に先行する。構造的精緻化 (structural elaboration) は、アクションによって創られるため、アクションの後に来る
Social science and social planning
説明あり | 説明なし | |
予測あり | 1 | 2 |
予測なし | 3 | 4 |
- ヘンペル=オッペンハイム的科学観では、科学的説明とは適切な予測をするものである。
- リトロダクションは、予測なしの説明。
- 説明の有無に限らず「予測あり」は閉鎖システムを前提とした話で、開放システムにおいては非現実的。(なお、社会における様々な人工的組織・制度は、人間の制御可能性をあげるために作り出された疑似閉鎖システム pseudo-closed systems と考えることができる)
Societies exist and are what they are ? among other things open, changeable systems ? because we are humans and are what we are. And we as humans are what we are because societies exist and are what they are. But a society and a human being are not two sides of the same coin. On the contrary, they are two entirely different phenomena, each with its own relative autonomy. (p.187; emphasis added)
社会科学者が実務家に提供すべきなのは、処方箋ではなく理論である。”What social scientists should provide practitioners with is not prescriptions but social scientific theories.” (p.189)
An example: elderly people and relocation
「転居は死亡率に影響を与える vs. 与えない」
But we [=social scientists] cannot say ‘Relocate!’ Nor can we say ‘Avoid relocation!’ Only someone who has insight into the real circumstances and the daily life of the people concerned may estimate how these mechanisms may manifest themselves in specific cases. And to be able to do this, practitioners must make use of social scientific theories which specify the structures and mechanisms that are relevant to the field. (p.192)
Social science as social criticism
科学と解放 (emancipation):自然科学では、(自然)科学の力で迷信・幻想を取り除き、誤った(自然に関する)知識を正しい知識に置き換えることが解放であるという、比較的シンプルな考え方が流通している。
Unlike human beings, social structures are not intentional. However, they cannot be regarded as belonging to the natural sphere, since they are social products and dependent upon human action for their existence. And it is social structures that lay down the conditions for what we can do and not do by placing us in various social situations. That is why a socially emancipatory objective should be directed against structures. Emancipation here involves replacing undesired social structures with desired ones. And even in this context there are false beliefs to be considered. (p.193)
- 社会科学者が実務家に提供すべきなのは、処方箋ではなく理論
- 社会現象を説明することに、社会現象への批判が含まれる