

「国際語としての英語」神話 (Pennycook, 2004)

Pennycook,A. (2004). The Myth of English as an International Language. English in Australia, 12(1), 26-32.

バルトの「神話」(myth) 概念に依拠して、「国際語としての英語」(EIL)神話を読み解こうという論文。短いのであまり細かい話はなく、先行研究(著者自身の過去の著作含む)を整理しながら論じるというスタイル。


・Global spread of English as natural/neutral/beneficial (Pennycook 1994)
・Cultural constructs of colonialism (Pennycook 1998)

Tollefson (2000 p. 9), ‘the economic value of the language translates directly into greater opportunities in education, business, and employment. For those who must learn English, however, particularly those who do not have access to high-quality English language education, the spread of English presents a formidable obstacle to education, employment, and other activities requiring English proficiency.’

The illusion of English


Beyond English

・そもそも「言語」(language, not "a language") の境界性を自明なものとしてしまうという「神話」もある