

Kaplan et al. (2011) 言語政策を失敗させる12の要因




  1. The time dedicated to language learning is inadequate.
  2. Indigenous teacher training is not appropriate or effective.
  3. Native speakers cannot fill the proficiency and availability gap.
  4. Educational materials may not be sufficient or appropriate.
  5. Methodology may not be appropriate to desired outcomes.
  6. Resources may not be adequate for student population needs.
  7. Continuity of commitment may be problematic.
  8. Language norms may be a problem.
  9. International assistance programmes may not be useful.
  10. Primary school children may not be prepared for early language learning.
  11. Instruction may not actually meet community and/or national objectives.
  12. Language endangerment may increase.

A decade or more of experimentation demonstrated that English at intermediate school was not sufficient to develop proficiency, so another legend - that early introduction to English would be the panacea - spurred an international belief that English language education should begin at thefirst grade, or even better, in kindergarten (p. 106)

There has been a strong belief that learning is better among the young and that aging has a negative effect on language acquisition -- that is, children -- the younger the better -- are good language learners, while older people are poor language learners. These views are not consistently supported by research. Many studies of SLA focused on the age of learners have resulted in mixed conclusions; no single variable (i.e. age) can be a salient predictor of success in language acquisition (see, e.g. Zuengler & Miller, 2006). (p.115)



It is a reasonably well-documented reality that it may take as long as 10 years to acquire fluency in a language, depending on the degree of difference between the structure of the first language and that of the second ... in Bangladesh where English is taught from Grade 1 to Grade 10 and occupies about 20% of the curriculum -- the results may be far from satisfactory (p.107)





small countries are rarely able to develop appropriate instructional materials in competition with those imported from the aiding country partly because the expense of doing so is high and partly because the limited markets in developing polities do not make it economical to produce and distribute locally prepared materials. (p.110)



the next feature most susceptible to change has to be sustained funding for any feature of the system ... Educational budgets are among the most frequently reduced segments of national operating expenses; they are perceived among bureaucrats as most easily adjusted to provide resources for new fiscal demands (see, e.g. Kaplan & Baldauf, 2007). (p. 113)



In 2002, the European Council in Barcelona called for a plan designed to improve language education, specifically in two languages for everyone from an early age. The problem became as to how to find time in the already crowded curriculum for language teaching, and the solution proposed was to employ Content and Language Integrated Learning -- a system in which curricular information and language learning were wedded (see ‘Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity’, 2003). (p.117)



The fact remains that policy decisions in Ministries of Education are largely in the hands of professional bureaucrats to the exclusion of all other segments of the population (Kaplan & Baldauf, 2007). (p.119)